Saturday, February 28, 2009

This is rich

The backlash against Rick Santelli is in full swing. One thread was started by Playboy (of all places) and it's even been picked up by Barry Ritholz (who is sometimes reasonable as a lawyer turned financial market commentator).

The Playboy rhetoric is not high-minded. The posts names Zack Christenson as the registrant of the Chicago Tea Party domain name--in August 2008--and refers to him as "a dweeby Twitter Republican." Fair enough. I'll probably resort to name calling on this blog at some point, despite my best efforts to avoid it.

The meme goes that Santelli's comments were part of an organized media campaign sponsored by the Koch family. But let's suppose that the story is accurate as written. Conservatives have begun a media effort to oppose policies they disagree with. I just have one question.

Why is it that when creates a PR campaign with George Soros' help, it's "democracy", but when a "a dweeby Twitter Republican" starts a PR campaign with the Koch's help, it's a conspiracy?

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